Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ball Bounce: Tweaked

Megan Condron, an AnimationMentor student whom I met online was kind enough to give me some feedback on my ball bounces and I've implemented that into my bounces. Here's what Megan had to say [cause it's good stuff..thanks Megan!!!]:

the first bounce:

this is a heavier ball and you're conveying that very well, but i think the height of the bounces need to decay much faster, its like you have the same bounces for both, but one just has less frames, you know what i mean? Also that being said, a ball of that weight probably wouldn't travel as far across the screen and it probably wouldn't roll as far after it stops bouncing. its nice though the timing works really well i think.

the second bounce:

this one looks pretty good over all. i noticed the drop before the second and third bounces hit a little hard, you might want an extra frame in there to make it feel lighter as you have in the first and last few bounces. the rotations look really good.

It's the feedback from folks like Megan I am REALLY looking fwd to at AnimationMentor. Is it January yet?????

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