Friday, August 17, 2007

DT: Walk Cycle: Stage 4 | Peak Pose Positions

At this the last major stage of the walk cycle. Here we find our character will have its hips brought up to their highest level. Here are some important highlights/aspects of this stage:

1. We want to pull the hips high enough [in Translate Y] to where we find the that the leg making contact with the ground is doing so just on its toes while staying straight [no bent knee].

2. We now want to spend a little time manipulating our animation graph to begin to add some weight to the character. It's helpful to work on the graphs as we build the motion and weight into the character so we don't have to go back later and edit a bunch of graphs all at once [at this stage of the game anyway].

3. We started adding some weight to the hips along the Translate Y values. Start by FLATTENING TANGENTS for all keys. The hips should slam down, so in order to achieve this, we want to build our graph to resemble the following:

4. We now want to smooth out the graph on out HIP SWAY custom attribute so that the graph would look like:

5. Finally we begin to add a little weight to the feet so they appear to slam down as they hit the ground.

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